MereoDao is a project that combines contemporary metaphysical research and Daoism, a school of classical Chinese philosophy. The project consists in applying mereology––the theory of relationships between parts and wholes––to the Daodejing 道德經, a main text of philosophical Daoism.
The project has a twofold aim. Firstly, as regards Chinese philosophy research, it aims at achieving a comprehensive account of Daoist metaphysics in terms of mereological relations. The parthood relationships interpretation is employed to provide a fine-grained conceptualization of this part of Chinese philosophy. It also provides a step beyond it in terms of making many mereological issues compatible with Daoist metaphysics. This entails the second aim, which consists in integrating a mereologically reconstructed Daoist system with contemporary metaphysics research conducted globally.
Apart from the scholarly impact of the project, Mereodao can be perceived as important also in social and cultural terms. By integrating the Chinese and Western philosophical traditions, it contributes to a more diverse approach in scholarship as well as the promotion of awareness of multiple traditions that constitute the global intellectual landscape.

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